• joy of love


    baby tsai seems to be anxious to meet us as i’ve had a few signs of early labor this past week.  hoping he’ll stay put at least a couple more weeks as i’ll be 35 weeks tomorrow. prior to the births of our previous children, i’ve always felt a little wistful over how things will change with the new addition.  i felt sad the last night i tucked mikey in to bed thinking how that was our last time being just him and me before allie joined us.  then, i felt sad over how big-yet-little mikey and allie were as they slept in their new bunk bed before lauren joined…

  • joy of love


    alright, so i fell terribly behind with my joy of love posts.  what with contractions coming and going and the constant urge to close my eyes and sleep for the next month, it may take me a bit longer to get to them all.  but, i AM determined to finish the assignments one way or another.  and who knows?  maybe the newest tsai will get to join in the fun for a few of them, too! assignment #22:  face (portraits) makes friends easily wherever he goes is a great big brother keeps us smiling and laughing everyday ernestly tries to do his best yells when he’s excited always conscientious loves…

  • joy of love


    every afternoon, i put the girls down for a nap and then mikey and i tackle his homework.  when that chore is finished, he gets one treat out of our candy bowl and heads into the living room to watch one show of his choosing.  lately, his favorite show has been bubble guppies.  after that’s over, he turns off the tv and then plays by himself while i go take a nap.  he finds this time to get kinda lonesome.  though he doesn’t really complain about it, i know he’d much rather have allie stay awake and keep him company.  she’s on the verge of not needing a nap anymore,…

  • joy of love


    once the kids are all tucked in bed for the night, phil most oftentimes has more work to catch up on.  sometimes he’ll be on the computer in his makeshift office and sometimes he’ll bring out his little laptop and work in the living room.  and most times, i can be found lounging on the couch in the living room feeling pretty spent after another day caring for kids, meals, and home.  we’re both totally beat at the end of the day. but one thing we definitely look forward to is our weekly top chef night.  it’s our most favorite show and usually all work is put aside so we…

  • joy of love


    five things: 1) i am 34 weeks along now. 2) the next few assignments have required a certain other half to be around in order to be photographed. 3) further, if i wanted those photographs to be taken during daylight hours, it has meant waiting for the rare day when that certain other half was home (and conscious) while it was still light outside.  not an easy combination to come by lately. 4) my other half is a very good sport. 5) i very much dislike being in photographs. with all that being said… assignment #16:  together (self-portrait) just us.  and the 34-week belly. this is the face of my…