• joy of love


    the kids are getting more and more excited to meet their new baby brother.  perhaps none more than allie, who is over the moon to have another baby in the house.  she just loves telling everyone she comes across that there’s a baby brother on the way.  she tells me all the things she’s going to do for him.  and she seems to think my belly button works like a telephone, as she’ll often come up to it and yell, “hi baby brother!  how ya doin’ in there?” i have a feeling this little baby is going to be the lucky recipient of LOTS of love and affection from his…

  • joy of love


    after college, phil worked at a brain bank.  the salary was pitifully low.  but the one upside was that if a brain came in after hours, he’d get called in to process it.  and he’d get paid a flat rate per brain for those.  if we were together when he got called, i’d often go with him to keep him company while he worked. i didn’t know it at the time, but he was saving up that extra money to buy an engagement ring for me.  he later told me it took twenty-three brains to buy the ring. after we were engaged, i’d still accompany him on those late night…

  • old blog


    just got back last night from a quick weekend trip and now i’m a few entries behind on the joy of love series.  will be back tonight to start getting caught up. but for now, i’m interrupting this month-long series to wish y’all a happy valentine’s day! the kiddos hope your day is filled with lots of love, laughter, and sweet treats! my dear phil has yet to forget v-day, and this year was no exception.  last night he came home with take-out chinese and two lovely bouquets of flowers for me.  unfortunately, our regular flower vases are still packed in boxes awaiting our next move.  so i combined the…

  • joy of love


    some mornings, it takes more effort to peel myself out of bed than others.  i have to give myself a mental pep talk, visualize the steps of our morning routine, and give myself another mental pep talk.  and maybe an extra five minutes to close my eyes and pretend i’m still asleep.  because no matter where we are, what we’re doing, or what day of the week it is, we have the same exact routine every. single. morning.  times three. assignment #13:  routines. the following set of pictures should be viewed more like my mental checklist rather than the actual steps.  because the real-life execution of said steps is much…

  • joy of love


    ok, so i’m not completely satisfied with these photos.  the truth is that i very rarely am with any of my photos.  gah.  but it was the best i could do today with two somewhat silly, bouncy, kinda unwilling to hold still for any amount of time subjects before i gave up and called it a day.  and then realized i shoulda adjusted my aperture in order to get more of their faces in focus.  and then realized i just wanted a nap more than anything else.  hey, i’m all about the priorities, ya know. assignment #12:  the eyes. the boy.  looking at his eyes make me happy.  in them,…