• joy of love


    before the new year started, i seriously considered doing the photo-a-day project for 2011.  started getting excited about the prospect.  but ultimately decided against doing it this year because i knew i’d kinda be setting myself up to fail what with a newborn coming in a couple months and then another major move this summer.  so maybe not this year, but definitely will reconsider for 2012. and then comes along this opportunity to take karen willette’s free online class for the month of february with photo assignments for each day.  28 days.  the theme for the month is “joy of love”.  i figure i could maybe handle that and have…

  • old blog

    where the magic happens.

    taking pictures of life with our kids generally falls into one of the following scenarios: the kids are dressed decently, teeth brushed, hair somewhat tamed (i.e., like on a sunday when we’re headed to church) but the setting is not so very nice.  like our rather uninspiring ‘hood. the kids are NOT dressed decently but rather are wearing random playclothes, teeth may or may not be brushed, hair might have been tamed the day before, but we happen to be in a nice, inspiring, uncluttered setting. the kids are still in pjs, one has poopy pants, teeth definitely not brushed, hair hopelessly disheveled, AND we are in a downright unpleasant…

  • old blog


    hello dear little one,  i’m sorry to have to tell you… that you are not the first to be born into this family. and not the second, or the third, either. no precious one, you will be one of many. though you’re not the first, or the second, or the third… we still eagerly await your arrival with open arms and thankful hearts.  for you are a precious gift from the Lord. and i happen to know a big brother and a couple of big sisters who just can’t wait to hug you and squeeze you and love you forever. see you soon, little guy. love, mommy

  • old blog


    if you were to ask her, she’d say she wants to be a mommy when she grows up.  and she’s lately decided that she needs to learn how to do what mommy does in order to be a mommy herself one day.  i like the way the girl thinks. which means, she’s been hanging out with me quite a bit in the kitchen as i’m cooking dinner.  and since she’s the one who is usually around, she tends to be the one who gets to help with things like stirring the sauce, or adding ingredients to the pan.  i’m not together enough to remember to call little people to come…

  • old blog

    the launch.

    we got to spend the day with my brother’s family a couple weekends ago.  it was a pretty near perfect day. we brought a rocket. and we launched it. four times. and no one got their eye poked out. “ready my son?  begin the countdown.” “4… 3… 2…” the arguably smarter half of the group stayed a safe distance away.  my brother also reasoned it would  be much easier to claim they weren’t with us should any law enforcement officer type persons arrive to haul us away.  “1!”  …  …  “did you push the button?” … “push it again.” … “huh.” [please standby.  we are experiencing technical difficulties.  thank you…