• old blog


    i’m now 15 weeks along.  my head is spinning with how fast it’s all going, but i’m not quite yet ready to think about how fast the next few months are going to go and before we know it, baby #4 will be here. i am very happy to report that all traces of nausea have finally left (a little over a week ago) and i’m *mostly* sure that i am done with morning sickness FOREVER.  hooray!  i’ve had the same long bout with morning sickness with each of the pregnancies and one of the few things that helped was eating a particular food as soon as i was craving…

  • old blog

    a perk.

    it’s been really nice having phil around at home more often since he’s started this fellowship year.  more face time, more family time, more of a ‘normal’ schedule.  it’s been especially nice to have weekends (or a good number of them, at least) back. but my most favorite perk of having my dear husband around more often?  witness below: having him home more often means i get to see this sight pretty frequently.  and it’s quite possibly my most favorite sight in all the world.  lauren’s just there to supervise. except… except when said dear husband absentmindedly puts in liquid dish soap instead of dishwashing detergent into the dishwasher. which…

  • old blog

    summer memories, part four.

    we have long been a family without a team to cheer for.  moving every few years has meant that we’ve felt no particular affinity or loyalty for any one team- be it basketball, baseball, football, or hockey.  and to be honest, i was pretty okay with that.  i was content to feel no real elation over “our” win or the agony of defeat of “our” team.  but this just would not do for phil.  he up and decided that we’ve gone teamless for long enough and it was time to change our ways.  it was time, in essence, to become team players. and the team he chose to bestow our…

  • old blog

    summer memories, part three.

    i have a major headache.  that neither iced coffee nor tylenol has taken care of.  blast. oh wait, that’s not what i’m here to write about.  i’m actually here to continue dwelling on summer memories and with the recent record heat wave this past week (113 last monday!), it’s actually not that hard to feel like it’s still summer. oh and a few days ago, i came across an old rebate i was supposed to mail in but forgot to (don’t tell phil).  it was supposed to have been postmarked by the end of july and i honestly thought to myself, “oh good, then i have a couple more weeks…

  • old blog

    summer memories, part two.

    while the kids and i were still at the grandparents’ house, my dad wanted to take us (mikey and i) deep-sea fishing.  it was something my dad and i used to do together pretty often when i was in high school and something we both enjoyed.  and when phil entered my life in college, it became the thing the three of us did whenever we visited my dad.  unfortunately, phil does get pretty seasick (but that never stops him anyway!), and so we weren’t sure how mikey was going to do on the boat. turns out, he inherited his mommy’s sea legs and did great!  he had a fabulous time…