• old blog

    the age old question.

    while eating lunch yesterday… allie:  daddy, how old are you? daddy:  i’m 35. mommy:  WOW. allie [promptly turning to mommy]: mommy, how old are you? mommy:  guess. allie:  17? daddy:  whoa, that was a while ago. mikey:  60? mommy:  whoa!  too far!  if daddy is 35, how old do you think mommy is? mikey:  21? mommy:  that’s exactly right, my son.  good job.

  • old blog

    houston, we have a problem.

    oh mylanta. quick answers: no, we weren’t planning on having a fourth baby any time soon.  we were going to maybe adopt a few years down the line.  but obviously God had other plans for us. yes, this came as a complete, total, unexpected surprise.  but still a happy surprise, nonetheless.  as phil said (and has said with each of our babies), “that’s cool.  really?  that’s cool.” yes, we do know how babies are made.  but as they say, only abstinence is 100% effective. yes, i have already tried all the natural methods to ease the nausea to no avail.  i’ve already thrown up.  thankfully i have an in-house doctor…

  • old blog

    enter the dog.

    once upon a time, i as a little girl asked for a dog.  a cocker spaniel to be exact.  my dad had wanted to get me one, but finances and circumstances just didn’t allow for it.  my parents got a divorce instead.  and my dad has always felt bad that he never got to give me the dog i wanted.  or so he said when he bought us this (with our prior agreement of course): not a cocker spaniel, but my favorite dog in recent years. meet daisy the dog.  mikey’s over the moon for her.  although he was initially disappointed that she wasn’t a boy dog because now, as…

  • old blog

    now she’s two.

    completely without my consent, my sweet tiny little infant newborn turned two last week.  and seemingly overnight, she’s done away with her babyness and sprouted arms and legs that dangle all over the place whenever i try to cuddle and rock her.  phil laughs whenever he sees me try to hold her in my arms as she yells and squirms to break free.  apparently we no longer have a baby in the house.  i will have to pause and ponder that thought at a later date. in any case, we celebrated her second birthday in grand tsai style.  meaning, we went totally ghetto. after phil got home from work, we…

  • old blog


    phil had a few days off before starting life as a fellow.  because most of those days had to be used for the move/cleaning/settling in, we didn’t get to do too much fun stuff.  i was starting to feel bad for the kids who have been troopers throughout the whole process and had to entertain themselves much of the time while i tried to unpack. so, we took one day and whisked the kids off to legoland for some family fun.  turns out it’s not too far away from where we now live and so phil bought the 3-month pass so we can hopefully squeeze in another visit or two. …