• old blog

    the fourth.

    wow, i’m still way behind.  the fourth was over two weeks ago, but to me it feels like it was just yesterday.  the days are flying and i can’t seem to catch up on anything.  it’s driving me nuts.  and when i feel nutty, i’m kinda grouchy too.  my poor kids.  must be nicer to them tomorrow.  : / but since i feel like the fourth of july was just yesterday, i’m gonna go ahead and post our pics from that evening while it’s oh-so-fresh in my mind.  ha ha. my girls.  i was surprised that allie didn’t put up a fuss about having to wear jeans while lauren got…

  • old blog

    lemon bars

    in honor of our new lemon tree… (thanks kate for the recipe!) if you have any other lemon recipes, please do pass them along!  happy friday!  (it’s awesome to have fridays actually mean that daddy’s off for the weekend.  we sure could get used to this!) ******** Lemon Bars Ingredients 1/3 cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 cup all purpose flour 2 eggs 2 tbsp all purpose flour 2 tsp finely shredded lemon peel 3 tbsp lemon juice 1/4 tsp baking powder powdered sugar to sprinkle on top Directions Beat the butter with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add 1/4 cup of sugar. Beat…

  • old blog

    goodbye, hello.

    ok, so the very next day after phil’s graduation was our moving day.  it was a whirlwind of a weekend, to say the least.  but now, the dust has settled and most of the boxes are unpacked or stored in the garage.  the rest just might end up staying where they are, since we’re only here for a year.  that’s been our mantra lately whenever we come across things we don’t like.  as in… “it’s so smoggy.  and HOT.” “it’s only for a year.  it’s only for a year.” “the 50s wood paneling is not my favorite.” “it’s only for a year.  it’s only for a year.” “the red carpet…

  • old blog

    done. sort of.

    so last month, we had the privilege of attending phil’s residency graduation.  the day we’d been waiting three years for.  no wait, make that nine years, since we’ve been aiming toward this day since the day phil started medical school.  it felt like it would never get here.  it felt like a loooong time coming.  and then suddenly, the day was upon us. though this day wasn’t quite as exciting and milestone-ish as we had been anticipating.  mostly because the extra year of fellowship training was unexpectedly tacked on just when we thought the end was near.  but we put aside those thoughts and celebrated anyway, because phil worked extremely…

  • old blog


    today marks our ninth wedding anniversary. wow. really?  has it really been nine years since i donned my then size 0 wedding dress and stood next to phil as he vainly tried to wipe his face with a decidedly non-absorbent SILK handkerchief (he was in a TUX on a hot JULY day in a church with NO air-conditioning) while dan led us through our vows of better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health.  til death do us part. it was, even with all its flaws, the happiest day of my life.  then. i’ve since been very blessed with many other happy days in my life with phil.…