• old blog

    the outings, part two.

    packing and all things related to moving have officially kicked me in the behind and now i’m pooped.  so i’ll just jump right in with the rest of the pictures and then head to bed.  can’t.  think.  any.  longer.  too.  fuzzy. but as promised, grandpa took mikey and the rest of us fishing again.  this time, we went to a pond near my dad’s place.  we decided to walk over to it. it was a rather long walk.  uphill both ways. but the lure of finally catching a fish was enough to bring on the much-needed second wind. so while mikey walked the whole way there and back, the other…

  • old blog

    the outings, part one.

    ok, so to resume the vacation recap… since we spent a whole week at grandpa’s house, we had lots of time for outings in between all the time hanging out at home.  unfortunately for me, most of the outings happened right around when the sun was high in the sky.  but i worked with it as best as i could since i didn’t want to miss out on the memory-making moments as they were happening.  🙂 mikey had wanted to go fishing while we were there and grandpa was happy to teach mikey the finer points of how to cast out the line, how to tell if he got a…

  • old blog

    just when i think i might be on top of things.

    one of the drawbacks of being in survival mode for a prolonged period combined with moving and/or having a baby every couple of years is that, uh, certain basic parenting duties fall to the wayside.  (ok, maybe it’s not the survival mode thing, maybe it’s just me).  so take for instance, routine trips to the dentist.  our dentist back in minnesota said we didn’t have to bring mikey in til he was three.  so i put that duty on the back burner of my mind and went on my merry way.  and then we moved to a new house.  and then allie was born.  and then we moved to california. …

  • old blog

    the farm.

    in an effort to save money and spend some good family time together, we decided to spend a week at grandma and grandpa’s house while phil was on vacation.  we all had a great time and it was time well spent as we haven’t stayed that long at my dad’s place since we’ve been married.  the visit was long overdue and it was much anticipated by both grandparents and grandkids. the job of packing our family of five falls entirely to me.  which makes the anticipatory excitement a little less thrilling on my end.  thankfully, i have a saved packing list that i print out each time we go anywhere…

  • old blog


    phil’s been on vacation the last two weeks.  ok, say it with me– YAHOO!!!  i’ve probably said this before, but this time it’s felt like a looong time coming.  and as always, it’s gone by much too quickly.  but we’ve had a great time being together as a family and now i get to relive all the fun memories here. on top of that, phil has 30 days left of residency.  (hooray!) on top of that, we’re moving in 21 days.  (we found a house!) on top of that, i have 4 boxes packed.  (ehh, what’s the rush?) anyway, where was i?  oh yeah, vacation.  vacations are rather nice, aren’t…