• old blog

    twinkle toes.

    THANK YOU guys for actually reading through that epic long post and for your kind, encouraging words!  it means a lot to me to have dear friends to share both our good times as well as our hard times with, so i thank you for your support, be it near or far– each of you are very dear to me! so last night, we decided to take the kids out to celebrate.  we ended up at the melting pot for a late dinner.  everyone was in high spirits and the excitement seemed contagious.  the kids didn’t really know why phil and i were so happy, they just knew that we…

  • old blog

    the plan.

    hooray!!!  i finally have good news to report about phil’s job search and our next steps.  i can’t begin to tell you what a relief it is to finally have a direction to move in and actually be able to start planning, making lists, just plain doing something.  it’s the waiting and not knowing that was killing me. it’s good to have a plan, man. but first, let me back way up and start this story from the beginning, as with any proper epic drama. nine years ago, i was engaged to be married to… ha ha, i kid.  i kid. that’s too far back. this particular epic drama begins…

  • old blog

    his turn.

    it’s phil’s birthday this week.  poor guy, he’s been so stressed out lately with the job hunt and all the crazy curve balls thrown his way.  he had planned to be post-call today, thinking he could rest and take a little breather.  but no, it ended up being yet another last-minute fiasco where he ended up having to go to an interview this afternoon after having been up the entire previous night working.  he was intensely tired by the time he finally did get home this afternoon.  but God was good in that the interview went well and phil got there and back safely (despite my worries that he might…

  • old blog

    baby, bad!

    sometimes there are just no other words to say besides… baby, bad! baby, bad!  (and no, that wasn’t her toothbrush, either). baby, bad! baby, bad!  (and yes, that is green marker on her lips, in her mouth, on her pants, on her shirt, and on the carpet.  oh, and on the paper, too). baby, bad!  (and yes, that is pulled out dental floss). but…  but i think we’ll keep her anyway. yes, we’ll definitely be keeping this one.  for now.

  • old blog

    centennial farm.

    this past weekend was supposed to be phil’s first full weekend off in four weeks and boy, were we both really looking forward to it.  it felt like the start of a holiday by the time he got home on friday. until…  until he got a call later that night.  turned out that a cardiac case was scheduled for sunday morning and he’d have to go in to do it (ended up taking nine hours).  great. but we decided to still make the most of the one day phil did have off.  except we didn’t exactly have a plan in mind when we woke up saturday morning.  enter the greatness…