• Personal

    Summer Bucket List: [Ghetto] Science Camp

    Another item on Mikey’s Summer Bucket List? Playdates! Also known as [Ghetto] Science Camp at the Tsais!                                                               And that, my friends, wraps up the educational portion of our summer. Click here to see last year’s ghetto science camp.

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    Thanks to dear friends who offered to babysit for us (thanks Jami and James- we love you guys!!), Phil and I were able to go out and celebrate our thirteenth anniversary this past July.                                                     We finished off with a glassful of brownie bites in chocolate ice cream with a bing cherry on top. So. Much. Food. So fun, though.           That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 😉 PS- Happy anniversary, Phil! I am so blessed to be walking…

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    The Fourth

    Because someday I WILL be caught up here. Oh yes, I will. (Delusions of grandeur with a streak of sheer stubbornness. That would be me.) Here’s what the Fourth of July looked like for us:                                                                                               Hope your fourth was a great one, too.

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    Mommy’s Unoffical Mental Summer Bucket List

    …the one that existed only in my head? Here was item number one, double starred:   Whereas I might* (*absolutely, definitely, most certainly would) have waited muuuuuch later to tackle my least favorite parenting task, this guy and his speech therapy needing self needed to conquer potty training before admittance into the preschool where said speech therapy would occur. Suffice it to say that the summer was a long and pantless one. Moments of despair included for free. Brief, delusional glimpses of the light at the end of the tunnel. Tiny victories quickly followed by soul-crushing defeats. Okay, okay, it wasn’t that bad (it kinda was). But at least it…

  • Personal

    From the Mouths of Babes

    I got home from a women’s small group last night just after the kids got into bed (perfect timing, I’d call this), so I slipped into the boys’ room for quick goodnight hugs and kisses. Usually I’ll lay next to Jonah since he’s in the bottom bunk and we’ll snuggle and chat in the dark for just a little bit. Sadly, I do this way less often with the big brother up in the top bunk though. The thought of hauling myself up the small wooden ladder, gingerly climbing onto the mattress hoping not to break the wooden slats underneath, crawling around the maze of stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, to…