Arizona, Day 3
All too soon, it was time to pack up and make the long drive back home. But not before getting in one last cuddle and fake sleep out by the pool. And one last “mommy barely made it in” picture with the 3-second timer. It was definitely time to go at this point though as the cleaning people were waiting out front for us to vacate the premises. But Daddy had a few surprise stops in store for us before we actually started the long drive home. The first stop was this mini train museum. We were pretty sure this guy…
Arizona, Day 2
The next day, we caught the tail end of spring training- the Angels (the Tsais’ current favorite team) vs. the Oakland A’s (Phil’s favorite team when he was growing up) (because of their green uniforms) (maybe). The Tsais are ready for some baseball! Though some of us have outgrown our Angels wear. Or Mommy couldn’t find everyone’s Angels wear in the madness of trying to pack six people up for a three day vacation that required swimming gear and baseball fanwear. The kids even got a couple autographs! Phil told us most of the star players had already left to start the…
Arizona, Day 1
Playing catchup as always… We took the kids for a short vacation to Arizona for a few days during their spring break. Everyone’s been working hard this year (maybe not Jonah so much) so this was a well-deserved time to rest, recreate, and enjoy time together as a family. First order of business. Yes, I was actually there too. 😉 Could only pull the kids out of the pool long enough to eat lunch before they all jumped right back in. Lunch was hot dogs, pb&j sandwiches, fruit, and leftover chocolate milk from McDonalds. Because we are fancy people.…
Shiny New
Where I been? Here I been! There have been a few changes around here, one of them being my shiny new blog! More on that later though… First, I must introduce you to the shiny new three year old in our house. This guy. He’s three now. This is what he does when someone asks him, “How are you?” Wordlessly, he’s all, “How am I? I’m three, that’s how I am!” Nuff said. He held still for exactly three pictures before he ditched me for bigger and better things. It’s okay though, I’ve got tricks up my sleeve that always eventually bring…