• Personal

    His Party

    We had Jonah’s party exactly 21 days later. Because we (and by “we” I mean Jonah) aren’t totally firm on how the calendar works and because his mom called too late to reserve a party date within his actual birth month. Party year is a blight on my otherwise happy existence. But it’s all good!                                                                                       Happy birthday, my baby! You didn’t take my deal to stay four…

  • Personal

    Her Party

    Because she is a planner and because she knew this was our party year, Allie had asked several months in advance for a baking themed party with her friends. Seemed easy enough and we had plenty of time to gather ideas, supplies, and put everything together. Allie was a big help with all the prep work and I had even planned enough time to sew her and her guests a little half apron as part of their party favors. Yay, me. What I hadn’t planned on was going ice skating for the first time as a family the day before (Allie looooved it) and my being so intent on not…