• old blog

    thanksgiving feast, preschool style

    so on monday of thanksgiving week, mikey and allie had a special program called a ‘thanksgiving feast’ in each of their classes.  thankfully, phil made sure he was post-call that day so that he could be there with us.  otherwise, one of our kids wouldn’t have had a parent there to see them since i couldn’t be in two places at once.  so he and lauren went to allie’s class while my brother, jeremiah, joy (they were visiting us for the day), and i went to mikey’s class. phil found his seat by the placemat allie had made: allie with her class: afterward, each of the classes had made stone…

  • old blog

    funny little kids

    this morning was the first time mikey’s woken up and told me specifically about a dream he had.  previously, he would tell me he had dreams, but not really what they were about.  i always wondered what the kids dream about. so i went in to get the kids up and mikey lifted up his head and sleepily said, “mommy, i had a dream last night!”  i asked, “was it a good one?”  mikey answered, “yeah, i dreamed that allie and i were outside of our room and we were playing with handy manny toys!”  i replied, “that does sound like a good one.”  (though i thought it was a…

  • old blog

    last hurrah

    phil had to spend a large part of his second week of vacation catching up on work stuff– papers, schedules, cases, boo.  but!  we did get one last hurrah in on thursday when our friends babysat the kiddos for a whole day while phil and i went off to have a day o’ fun at disneyland.  whenever we take the kids to d-land, we always end up saying how it’s kind of a waste to pay for annual passes but never get to ride any of the bigger rides.  we usually go from the train, to jungle safari, to it’s a small world, to the winnie-the-pooh ride, to the carousels,…

  • old blog

    santa barbara getaway: the aftermath

    ok, so this really isn’t about santa barbara anymore, but it’s still about our vacation week so i’m keeping the title as part of the series.   after our little getaway, we went back to my parents’ place to reunite with the kids.  and it was so goooood to see them again!  as fun as our time away was, we still did miss the munchkins– missed their little stories, missed their little hugs and kisses, missed their little faces.  i’ve never been away from them for more than a few hours at a time before let alone two whole nights away (not counting hospital stays when they were each being…

  • old blog

    santa barbara getaway: the fun

    now on to the fun in between all the food. on the way to santa barbara,we stopped in buellton to check out the gift shop at pea soupandersen’s. we weren’t hungry since we had just eaten lunch in shellbeach and so decided we’d stop there again on the way back a coupledays later. it’s beginning to look a lot like… we stayed at the harbor view inn which was located right across the street from stearn’s wharf. look how lightly i can pack when it’s just the two of us! ONE suitcasefor the both of us and it lasted us the entire week we were away fromhome. we went for…