• old blog

    pooltime fun

    *ok, this is the last set of photos before i’m all caught up.  woo hoo!* so about a month ago, my dad had come over for a weekend visit while phil was on call.  we headed down to hang out with my brother’s family at one of the pools in their complex.  it was a super nice, summery warm day– perfect weather to be poolside and everyone had a GREAT time. lauren spent most of her time being held by grandpa.  i think they were both pretty okay with that arrangement. she’s been into making faces lately… and thanks to mikey’s swim classes at the y, he’s been getting more…

  • old blog

    my brother’s family

    a couple weeks ago, i was able to have a little photo shoot with my brother’s family.  they are such a fun loving, close-knit family and we always have good times when we get to hang out together.  so here are a few of my favorite shots from that day. johnny with my sweet little niece, joy. i think she likes getting kisses from her mommy, don’t you? then we moved over to a nearby park for some more pictures.  my sil joanna and nephew jeremiah: the boys: the girls: the whole good-lookin’ fam: and these last couple were taken just before we headed back to the car.  and that’s…

  • old blog

    the big reveal

    *seemed to have lost momentum from last week…  so close to being almost caught up!  but i gotta interrupt one more time for this entry.* i decided that allie needed a haircut in a major way and we couldn’t delay it any longer.  she was turning in to rapunzel, or even worse, ‘cousin it’!  here’s how she looked this morning just before i dropped her off at preschool: the back: so we went straight to the kids’ haircutting place as soon as i picked her up from school.  i told phil the night before that i was going to have her hair cut like five inches or so.  he seemed…

  • old blog

    my ballerina girl

    i’m on a roll now! all through the summer, allie’s been asking if she can “have her dancing class”.  i’m not exactly sure where or when she got the idea in her head– maybe from watching zoe on sesame street in her pink tutu?  or from tagging along to a dance class when a friend of ours was babysitting her and took her daughters? at any rate, allie’s had her heart set on dancing class so i signed her up through our city catalog, bought her some pink leotards and tutus, ballet slippers, and tap shoes.  having never been in dance class myself, i wasn’t quite sure what to expect…

  • old blog

    la county fair

    ok, so back to trying to catch up.  but first, a couple of tsai family funnies… several months ago, we threw around the idea of renewing our vows, possibly on our tenth anniversary.  well, more like my throwing out the idea, and phil batting it right back.    actually, he’s okay with the idea, but it would be only if i really want to do it.  and i’m not sure if i actually want to anyway.  maybe i’d prefer a nice vacation to somewhere tropical sans kids instead.  but aaaanyway, back to my original story.  one night last week, phil had flopped backwards onto our bed and was already half-asleep…