• old blog

    marathon day, cont’d

    so after the pumpkin patch, i figured we’d grab something quick for lunch then call it a day and head home.  turns out phil was in more of a daring mood.  i say ‘daring’ because we threw caution to the wind, skipped all naps, and stayed out all day and into the night, even!  we ended up eating lunch at lee’s sandwiches in irvine (the pumpkin farm was in irvine) and moseyed on over the bridge to the campus at uci just to do a little walking around, visiting the bookstore (see, what’d i tell ya about phil and stores?), playing in the grass, and letting me get a chance…

  • old blog

    the pumpkin patch

    ok, so i know i said i was going to catch up the last month’s adventures but i wanted to post this before it gets to be thanksgiving and i’m still catching up on halloween.  so i’m cutting in line.   phil had a three-day weekend (you rock, mr. columbus!) and we got some good ol’ family fun time in.  we visited a pumpkin patch on saturday because i wanted a real, authentic, farm experience rather than going to a pumpkin LOT or worse, just buying them from the market.  where are the pictures in THAT, i ask you?!  (warning (yet again):  there are a LOT of pics in this…

  • old blog

    playing catch-up

    crazy how fast the days are flying lately.  i’m going to do my darnedest to try and catch-up my poor neglected blog with the past month’s events.  so the weekend just before mikey and allie started school (wow, has it really been a month already?!), we flew up to cupertino in order to attend the wedding of one of phil’s oldest friends.  it was a fun little adventure and the kids were really excited to be flying in an airplane while phil and i were looking forward to not having to make the 7-hour drive this time.  (warning:  there are LOTS of pictures in this entry.) the adventure begins!  mikey…

  • old blog

    another little funny…

    grandpa is here to visit over the weekend…  will have pics from our super fun day up soon.  i hope.  but here’s a little tidbit from tonight as i was getting the kids ready for bed. mikey:  grandpa’s not old. mommy:  how do you know? mikey:  because he doesn’t use one of these [held up his arm and curved his fingers to make a cane-shape]. allie:  yeah, because he doesn’t walk like this [hunches over, pretending to walk with a cane]. mikey: those are old people but our grandpa doesn’t walk like that, so he’s not old! i bet grandpa would’ve been glad to hear the kids’ assessment of him! …