Tuesday, September 13, 2005 whelp, i’m back from the dead. sort of. morning sickness is just about gone but the tiredness still lingers to where i still prefer to nap while mikey naps instead of getting on the computer. but now i’ve got a bunch of summer pictures piling up just can’t be ignored any longer! i need to post them while it still feels like summer. anyway, we’re all still hanging in there, phil’s busier than ever at the hospital (working 80-hour weeks and most weekends as well), so mikey and i have been trying to make the most of these beautiful, warm days. mikey’s turned into quite the pro…
walkin’ down memory lane
i recently found our wedding slideshow dvd and couldn’t resist posting a few pics. heh heh… me and my brudder my dad’s favorite picture of me my dad’s idea of camping– all of us crammed into his pickup truck to sleep, waking up at the crack of dawn to wait and watch while he went hunting (this time it was for ducks), and then take a picture of us holding dead ducks. so fun. i prefer staying in hotels now. thankfully, phil does too. seriously, this was my childhood! note: i was holding the gun for the photo op, never actually fired it! …
golden weekend
phil tells me that as an intern, he gets one weekend off per month. they call that the ‘golden weekend’. unfortunately, phil didn’t get one during his internal med month. but he’s now doing a month of dermatology and gets every weekend off and has no call! (oh, how i love you, dermatology. *kiss!*) last weekend was the first weekend where he’s had both days off. and believe you me, we partied it up! warning, a BUNCH of pictures in this one! friday, we had dinner at chuck e. cheese’s playing air hockey on tippy toes phil trying to win big success! …
homeland security
the beehive (if you look closely, you can see a bee about to enter the hive) versus phil tsai attack!!! attaaaaack!!!!! whoa, whoa retreat! retreat!! ok, time to regroup… attaaaaaaack!!! what’s this? die, bee, DIE!!! after dousing the beehive with two full cans of bee killer, our hero came home again. the tree in our front yard was dripping with the spray. an hour later, we saw the bees nonchalantly flying in between the drips and going in and out of their hive. bees, you may have won this battle, but you WILL NOT WIN the war!!! oh, it’s on, bees, it’s ON! (note: the picture quality…
the kids and i have a special routine on the nights that phil’s on call (like tonight). both kiddos wake up from their naps around 5. i change diapers, mikey gets to watch half of sesame street’s ‘follow that bird!’ (he calls it, “bih-boh moobee!”) while i feed allie. then we all go downstairs, i turn on music, allie goes under the play gym or into the swing, mikey plays for a bit. i get dinner ready (usually leftovers or some heat ‘n eat option). mikey and i eat dinner, allie stays where she is or joins us sitting in her reclining feeding seat. then we all go outside (weather permitting)! we take a looong…