• old blog

    random little thing

    just wanted to jot down a couple of random funny things mikey said recently… we did a family movie night a few weeks ago and let allie pick the movie (since mikey picked ‘star wars’ the previous time).  so we all sat down to watch ‘cinderella’ together.  here’s a (blurry) pic of my girl falling in love with princesses even more. a few days later, mikey came up to me and said, “mommy, NOW i know what a princess is:  it’s a girl who dances with a boy.  that’s SILLY!  when i grow up, i’m not going to dance with allie because i’m going to be a jet fighter plane…

  • old blog

    another project, in progress…

    ok, so i made a website with all of the nights i’ve had to myself with phil on call.  it’s just a site where i’ve put some of my favorite shots.  i definitely have a lot left that i want to do with it, but feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!  thanks! www.michelletsaiphotography.com

  • old blog

    one project down, so many to go…

    i’ve got so many projects either floating around up there, or in various stages of being started or in progress…  and it’s driving me crazy!  mostly because i don’t often get a chunk of time to work on any one thing, and when some time does come along, i find myself jumping from one thing to another in a frenzied effort to get it all done.  RIGHT THEN.  so yeah, i’ve been driving myself a little batty with it all. but today!  both mikey and allie are in preschool, and i signed lauren up for something called “mom’s day out” at their preschool, which is during the same three hours…

  • old blog

    first day of school

    so mikey and allie both started school on monday this week.  mikey’s in the blue butterflies class and allie is in the sunflowers class.  both were very excited to meet their teachers and see their new classrooms.  but it seems like no matter how early i get up in the morning, i still can’t get all of us ready and there on time.  being late USED to be a pet peeve of mine, but i’ve definitely had to let that go once the kids came along.  anyway, i had mikey and allie dressed, fed, teeth brushed, and allie’s hair pulled up and ready to go.  i was using the last…

  • old blog

    getting ready…

    i remember being sooo excited to get a fresh, new box of 64 crayola crayons at the beginning of the school year when i was a kid.  turns out my kids are just like me and were just as excited when they discovered that mommy had bought them each their very own box.  we even put their names on them.  they were just about as happy about their crayon boxes as i was when i found them at target for $1.63!  anyway, both mikey and allie start school tomorrow– allie will be in a three-day, three-hour preschool program, and mikey will be in a three-day, five-hour developmental kindergarten (dk) program…