• joy of love


    assignment #28:  the future. big changes await us.  i don’t know exactly what life will be like over the next hill.  i can’t predict what the future holds.  but i trust in the Lord to faithfully take care of us tomorrow just as he has done for all our yesterdays.  and Lord willing, as long as we’re all together, i know we’re gonna be just fine. ready to tackle our next adventure… WOO HOO, i did it!  finished the joy of love series and thank you thank you thank you for coming with me.  i have been so blessed to recount our stories and share our pictures and have been…

  • joy of love


    one thing i really love is watching phil play with the kids.  it’s endearing to watch them interact and it’s hilarious to see how animated phil becomes while he plays.  it’s pretty apparent that he becomes a big kid himself.  i’ll admit his big kid-syndrome sometimes is a bit maddening- like when we’re in a toy store and it’s pretty much me with my FIVE kids, or his insatiable hunt for collectibles, or his forever bringing home little trinkets for the kids.  but i also have to admit overhearing what he says while they’re playing keeps me laughing out loud.  and i love that. assignment #27:  what they say. here…

  • joy of love


    assignment #26:  the bromance. the big one has been waiting forever for this little one.  for a few years now, it seemed that it was going to be just him and his daddy and he’d say to me, “mommy, this house has too many girls!”  he’s all about balancing the scales, you know.  but God in his kindness heard the small boy’s prayers and answered him.  much to his parents’ surprise. now the little one is here and has only just begun to discover what a terrific big brother he got. and i am blessed beyond measure to see this new relationship grow through the years. so bring it on.…

  • joy of love


    assignment #25:  when you love them the most they don’t necessarily have to be doing anything or saying anything in particular.  in fact, those rare moments are most welcome.  i love ’em most when we’re just sharing a quiet moment together.  no squabbling, no crying, no tattling.  just quiet contentment for all.  love. ps- you’ll have to excuse allie’s hairdo.  her daddy attempted to do it for school that morning.  but hey, that’s a memory in and of itself, too.  😉