• joy of love


    i am still determined to finish the joy of love series.  and by golly, jonah did join us just in time to be part of the fun! assignment #24:  where did you first meet or fall in love? right here in the delivery room, moments after birth.  they laid him on my chest and his little face looked up, his eyes searching until they locked on to mine.  and in that moment, i was completely, utterly, and irrevocably in love with this brand new little man.  also in that moment, i discovered that it doesn’t matter whether it’s your first or fourth or fourteenth (not that i’m planning on finding…

  • joy of love


    the directions:  Get a sitter and go out on the town!!!  Take the point and shoot and take some fun portraits of you together.  Tickle each other.  Laugh.  Have fun! the key point:  Go anywhere but HOME! the tip:  You have to ask someone else to take your photo for this prompt.  Just find someone who is approachable and ask him or her to snap a quick photo of you.  Don’t be embarrassed! Oh, and be sure to put your camera in auto mode so a stranger can figure it out.  This prompt isn’t about artsy shots as much as it is about having a photo of the two of…

  • joy of love


    it tends to feel like a mini-vacation/party when daddy’s home for a whole weekend.  the mood is lighter, the fun is more accessible, the food is admittedly junkier, and the mess is completely out of control.  but it’s safe to say that we’d all vote to have daddy home even with the extra mess and diminished order. especially when daddy announces it’s movie night.  or in this particular case, nba slam dunk contest night.  cuz that’s when the party really gets raging. assignment #20:  when they’re home note:  the grapes are there as the healthy element to offset the pizza, pasta, and chips n dip.  gotta insert the mom influence…

  • joy of love


    baby tsai seems to be anxious to meet us as i’ve had a few signs of early labor this past week.  hoping he’ll stay put at least a couple more weeks as i’ll be 35 weeks tomorrow. prior to the births of our previous children, i’ve always felt a little wistful over how things will change with the new addition.  i felt sad the last night i tucked mikey in to bed thinking how that was our last time being just him and me before allie joined us.  then, i felt sad over how big-yet-little mikey and allie were as they slept in their new bunk bed before lauren joined…

  • joy of love


    alright, so i fell terribly behind with my joy of love posts.  what with contractions coming and going and the constant urge to close my eyes and sleep for the next month, it may take me a bit longer to get to them all.  but, i AM determined to finish the assignments one way or another.  and who knows?  maybe the newest tsai will get to join in the fun for a few of them, too! assignment #22:  face (portraits) makes friends easily wherever he goes is a great big brother keeps us smiling and laughing everyday ernestly tries to do his best yells when he’s excited always conscientious loves…