• joy of love

    then and now.

    of course i have to be 7+ months pregnant for this third photo assignment.  but then again, it’s not as bad as when i had to renew my driver’s license picture when i was 9 months pregnant with allie.  that was sure something. so today’s assignment:  then and now. i believe i will just go ahead and post the pictures without too much commentary lest i depress myself even further.  my, how we’ve aged.  : p this is us then.  i took a picture of a picture from a scrapbook i had made for phil of our first married year.  back before children.  back on our honeymoon, just three days…

  • joy of love


    just like i would never be able to fully capture all of who she is in one word, i simply cannot capture all of her in one image.  i wouldn’t even be able to capture her in a hundred thousand shots.  don’t ask me how i know this.  😉  the best i can do is capture shades, or pieces of who she is at any given moment.  i think that’s why i like looking at pictures of her.  that’s why i like looking at pictures of all my little crew. today’s assignment:  how they look. she’s sassy.  and sweet.  and stubborn.  and independent.  and big girl and baby all rolled…

  • joy of love


    before the new year started, i seriously considered doing the photo-a-day project for 2011.  started getting excited about the prospect.  but ultimately decided against doing it this year because i knew i’d kinda be setting myself up to fail what with a newborn coming in a couple months and then another major move this summer.  so maybe not this year, but definitely will reconsider for 2012. and then comes along this opportunity to take karen willette’s free online class for the month of february with photo assignments for each day.  28 days.  the theme for the month is “joy of love”.  i figure i could maybe handle that and have…