• old blog

    semblance of summer

    i am still unpacking.  i may be unpacking into eternity. oh woe. but in between the seemingly unending days of unpacking and settling in, we are trying to squeeze in a few days of summer fun. remember when phil declared our family diehard angels fans?  well, we’re looong overdue for our annual trip to root for our team.  as in, we seem to have missed the entire 2011 season.  aw well, no matter, the time is NOW for us to jump right back on that bandwagon.  (by the way, anyone know how our favored team is doing?  hard to gauge from the one game we attended. which was a win…

  • old blog


    i am still unpacking.  i may be unpacking into eternity.  usually i am done unpacking three weeks out but this time around, the combination of four little guys who constantly need to do things like eat and the fact that i am actually unpacking every single one of our 100+ boxes and well, i am still unpacking. on the one hand, it feels really, really awesome to be officially settling in to our very own home and going through each box deciding what to keep and what to give away.  and to actually be getting rid of these boxes that have seen us through our last three moves.  did you…

  • old blog

    girly girls

    a couple weeks before we moved, our good friends james and jami came to hang out with us.  they are among our kids’ favorite people.  you’ll see why in a sec. even jonah, who is sometimes randomly particular about who he likes and who he doesn’t, took right to uncle james like a fish to water.  he kept wanting uncle james to hold him and thankfully, james was a good sport with this selectively high maintenance baby of ours.  (mikey was also standing in this picture, but unfortunately didn’t make it in since i was already pressed against the wall to fit these three in.  he didn’t make the cut. …

  • old blog

    mother’s day, father’s day

    hello, hello!  i’m still alive!  we moved in to our new home (YIPPEEEE!!!) a little over a week ago and it’s been hectic and crazy and chaotic and wonderful all at the same time.  more on that later.  but first, i gotta catch up and stodgily go in order.  starting with… mother’s day!  it wasn’t that long ago, was it? phil surprised us with dinner at the melting pot for mother’s day.  it’s one of the kids’ (and my) favorite places to eat.  spearing delicious morsels and then dipping them into lovely cheese sauces like this “loaded baked potato”… what’s not to love? me and my girls. me and my…

  • old blog

    to see what we see

    i am in the throes of packing woes.  why oh why do i find myself here so frequently when it is one of my very least favorite things to do? but the good news is we bought a house! the bad news is i must pack like a madwoman! but even madwomen need a break from the madness so here i am.  🙂 a couple saturdays ago, phil was home and we had nothing in particular scheduled for the day.  i love those kind of days. so as we headed out with the kids, allie asked where we were going.  i answered, “to see what we see.” and this is…