• project 52

    project 52, week 41

    i am thankful for my allie girl. my sweet souled little one.  she who is such a rule follower and tries so very hard to not make mistakes or upset anyone.  who is so sensitive herself and feels things so deeply in a way i don’t always understand.  who is wonderfully artistic and creative in a way that often amazes me.  who strives to be a friend to everybody.  who is self-motivated with a perfectionist streak.  who is kind-hearted, loyal, and honest.  who is so completely beautiful inside and out. it has been a delight to watch her grow into the person God made her to be. i love her…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 40

    i am thankful to have such a wonderful piano teacher for our kids.  his patience, his positive attitude, his patience, his encouraging words, his patience…  well, i think you get the picture. i love, love, love that he asks them for prayer requests and then prays with them before each lesson. and that he often reminds them that music is a gift from God and that we can use it to glorify Him.  also appreciate how he humors this boy and the many tangents he takes.  (did i mention something about patience?) because i don’t remember smiling this big during my piano lessons as a kid. and i certainly don’t…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 39

    today on this veteran’s day, i am thankful for all the men and women who have bravely served and sacrificed for our country as well as for their families who have sacrificed so much as well. i love this land we call home.

  • project 52

    project 52, week 38

    today, i am very thankful to live in this country where we are each called to cast our vote and to participate in the democratic process.  it is a privilege to enjoy the freedoms we do as well as our duty to help uphold good, curb evil, and protect religious freedom.  and to remember that ultimately, God is in control and it is in Him i trust, regardless of today’s outcome. and also, it’s so exciting to see how it all unfolds on election day.   hope you were able to vote today, too!

  • project 52

    project 52, week 37

    last friday as i was dropping lauren off at preschool, her teacher asked her to pick out a “turkey feather”.  on the desk behind her were large pieces of every color construction paper cut in the shape of a feather.  lauren picked light purple.  her teacher handed the purple feather to me and explained it was for a class project.  each family would contribute a feather to add to the bulletin board turkey for the month of november.  super cute idea.  and we had the weekend to get it done and turned back in. i had every intention of doing lauren’s turkey feather with her sometime over the weekend.  i…