• project 52

    project 52, week 36

    today, i’m very thankful that her daddy arranged his work schedule in order to be able to go to her school’s “dads & donuts” morning with her. i love that the things that are important to her are important to him. even if it means he’s working the night shift tonight. still definitely worth it.

  • project 52

    project 52, week 35

    ok so it appears that i have 20 pictures left to finish my project 52.  and about 9 weeks left in the year.  hmm. story of my life. but!  i love the idea of doing a daily “thankful for…” for the month of november.  yet i know that i am very likely to fall behind on that, too. so… i’m going to combine the two projects and see how many i can get done.  maybe all 20.  maybe 15.  maybe just this 1.  boy, am i glad that i have no hard and fast rules for either project. in any case, it will remind me of all that i have…