• project 52

    project 52, week 21

    yes, i am still unpacking.  woe to the mutha.  (that would be me). four things: 1) most of the unpacking can only really get done in spurts during jonah’s naps.  2) i’m still aiming towards getting every single box unpacked.  3) i’m unearthing things i haven’t seen in several years and completely forgot we had.  multiples of the same items, actually.  4) i think this job is looking to last me a few decades.  at least. but look what i found in the midst of unpacking? a complete boxed set! hmm.  i wonder how much these are going for on ebay?  😉 have a great weekend!

  • project 52

    project 52, week 19

    mikey has asked me many, many times to take a picture of him with his lego creations so that we can send it in to the lego magazine people so that they can put it in their next issue.  i don’t think he realizes how many submissions get sent in or how most are never printed or how many of the creations that are printed are likely built by adults and i just don’t have the heart to disappoint him like that.  so, most of the time i just do what every good parent does (ahem) and evade his requests.  but i realized recently that he hasn’t been asking me…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 18

    and then a blink and a wink later, it was this boy’s 8th birthday.  birthday season comes fast and furious in our house with five of our six birthdays in seven weeks of each other.  it’s a whirlwind and i have to mentally gear up for it every year.  it’s also one of the reasons why i decided to do parties for each of the kids every other year.  if that.  :p but birthdays are the perfect time to express my thankfulness for each of our children, to reflect on who they are and what they’re currently in to, and to marvel at how God created each one to be…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 17

    my poor, long-neglected photo project!  i haven’t given up on it though and so will pick it up where i left off.  rewind a bit with me, if you will… we celebrated daddy’s 37th birthday with homemade brownie sundaes.  jonah thought that was pretty awesome.  he ended up eating daddy’s whole dessert!  that’s the thing about daddy though, he never hesitates to give the kiddos anything he’s eating and doesn’t mind if they end up eating the whole thing.  that doesn’t quite apply to daddy’s stash of toys though (and i mean literal toys.  he has been known to buy some little figures for the kids and then gets one…