• project 52

    project 52, week 16

    so a couple weeks ago, the hubs and i had not one, but TWO dates in one week!  who am i?  a very good friend graciously insisted on babysitting twice for us so that we could go out- once to celebrate both our birthdays (happy birthday, honey!) and again a couple days later as a bonus.  unfortunately, we got rained out of phil’s original date plans.  but a nice little coffee date at the mall served as a more than satisfactory stand-in.  we also got to use the time to see a couple houses with our realtor.  one of which we are currently in escrow on.  so there’s that.  apparently…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 15

    most of the time, i avoid the kids’ playroom like the plague.  i can happily let many, many days slip by without ever stepping foot in there.  why?  because the kids’ definitions of “clean” and “put away” are apparently very different from mine.  and it’s very, very hard for me not to quickly lose my cool when i have to be in there for any amount of time and begin to see that every single surface in there needs to be reorganized, sorted through, put away properly, in essence completely cleaned out.  again. and so my method of coping?  to simply shut the door and choose to look the other…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 14

    THANK YOU auntie jenny and uncle sam for jonah’s new ride-on car.  he loves this thing.  loves riding on it.  loves pushing it back and forth.  loves seeing how the handlebars taste.  loves turning the wheels.  and the big kids love pushing him back and forth on it.  which i love very, very much.  his little sticky-out ears.  his little feet.  his little toes.  this shot makes me happy. and when jonah’s not playing with it (like only when he’s napping), why then the big kids love riding on it themselves! but everyone still likes it best when jonah’s up and ready to play!  🙂

  • project 52

    project 52, week 13

    so march is a crazy month with celebrating two of the kids’ birthdays, but not only that, it then goes and turns me another year older at end of it.  sheesh, talk about kicking ya when you’re already down.  and this year, all four kids decided to get sick at the same time as a unique way of celebrating.  but at least i got a slice of red velvet cake out of it!  and spending the day with my dear hubby (who took the day off) and my four coughing monkeys wasn’t a such a bad thing after all.  🙂

  • project 52

    project 52, week 12

    my sweet little allie-girl is not so little anymore.  she had a simply marvelous time turning six this past weekend (more details to come) and finally got the doll she’s been waiting for years (her words) for.  ah, my allie.  100% girl, sensitive, emotional, thoughtful, wonderfully creative, generous, expressive, conscientious, kind.  the list could go on forever.  God put some special touches into this one and i am forever grateful to have the privilege of being her mommy.