• project 52

    project 52, week 11

    remember jonah’s birth story?  i remember living that out literally yesterday.  pretty much every detail of it is still fresh in my mind.  because uh, it happened yesterday.  except that the calendar is telling me that this all happened exactly one year ago.  crazy business! a whole entire year has passed by in the span of ONE DAY and now this baby of mine has sprouted six whole teeth, is standing up at will, taking a few steps, playing with the big kids, and pretty much taking this whole growing up thing in stride.  very unlike his mother. so even though i’m not quite ready to realize it yet, my…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 10

    jonah’s been standing by himself for longer and longer stretches lately.  and each time he does, he looks around expectantly for the cheers and applause from the rest of us.  and he always gets it.  and then he starts clapping himself.  and then he drops back down on his bottom.  and then he does it all over again. it’s a fun game. and the big news this week is that he took his very first step wednesday night!  daddy was the one to see him do it and i have yet to catch him at it.  but i’m very glad daddy was here to see jonah do one of his…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 9

    we recently got to take a little trip up to big bear for a couple nights.  the whole story about that is coming soon.  but for now, i just wanted to share my favorite pic to date of my two favorite little girlies.  i love that they have a built-in best friend for life.  i love that they love each other (most of the time) and hope that only grows as they get older.  and most of all, i love that i get to be their mommy!  🙂

  • project 52

    project 52, week 8

    this is me.  all smiles.  at wicked. i’ve been wanting to see this musical for the past five years but babies, moving, husband’s schedule, and life in general somehow kept getting in the way.  but phil surprised me with tickets when it was in town and off we went (right after getting the kids situated with their favorite babysitter). and i don’t know if it’s because i haven’t been to a theater experience in eight years, but i have to say, it was…  awesomely wonderful.  way better than i ever thought it would be and it’s now my favorite.  the storyline.  the singing.  OH THE SINGING.  just loved it.  (i…

  • project 52

    project 52, week 7

    my boy was invited to his first ever sleepover party last weekend.  he was beside himself excited.  i packed the stuff he would need into a reusable state farm bag that we got for free because i couldn’t find his backpack because it was packed away somewhere in one of our gazillion boxes stored in the garage.  he didn’t mind.  i wondered if we would get a late night call from our friends telling us mikey was homesick and wanted to come home.  because uh, that may or may not have happened to me at my very first sleepover.  turns out i needn’t have worried.  he came home pretty tired…