The Boy
I went upstairs and found my boy in a quiet moment. He was reading. His not-so-little hand propped on his chin. His eyelashes. His shirt. His intent gaze on his book. I love everything about this picture of this boy. He stopped reading and we started chatting. And that’s when it hit me. This boy is turning ten this year. Major gulp. I can’t think about that too much just yet. But as he’s getting older, I’m coming to the realization that his stories aren’t really mine to tell anymore. I’m going to have to start running things by him to make sure he’s okay with what I write about…
The Boat Ride
We had bought a Groupon for a boat ride to see the decorated houses and boats in Newport Beach but we just couldn’t fit it in before Christmas. So, we went after. And although we missed the decorated boat parade, we also missed the huge crowds and long, long lines. So, still a win. A nice guy offered to take a picture of all of us and even waited for a decorated house to appear behind us, so here we all are! There was ample room for the kids to scamper all around the boat. Except for this little guy who we were afraid was going to fall overboard. With…
The Aquarium
One last outing before Ah-ma and Uncle Richard had to leave. To the aquarium! The only one of our kids who isn’t afraid of mascots. Okay, maybe the older two aren’t scared of them anymore, but they still couldn’t be convinced to get in this picture. This boy loves the touch pools. Not so much to touch the sea creatures, but for the sheer fun of splashing around. ‘Sup, fish? This is about when Phil said he had a sudden craving for sushi. He always gets a sudden sushi craving when we’re at the aquarium. Wonder why that is? The jellies! Truth be told, this picture and the one of…
Christmas Morning, part 2
More from Christmas morning… The kids each made gifts for us at school, too. This is Lauren’s Christmas wreath with a candle in the middle. Made out of cutouts of her hand print. I cannot bring myself to throw anything away that has their hand print somewhere on it. I think teachers maybe know this. Mikey took this one. I’m holding a wreath painstakingly made by Allie. (Yes, I kept that too.) Phil’s holding a blue star made by I think Lauren. (Yes, I probably kept that, too.) A surprise for the girls. They loved. Getting down to the business of playing. Just when he thought it was all over…
Christmas Morning, part 1
Because I want the distinction of being the latest person ever to still be blogging about Christmas. :/ Ahem. So, Christmas morning finally arrived. The proverbial calm before the storm. We told them they could come and wake us up but not too early. Meaning, it had to be light outside first. So it was early, but thankfully not too early. The obligatory group picture. He wanted no help this year. Her most wished for present. A camera of her very own. Pink, of course. This guy bought his own gift this year, but I found just the thing to give him at the last minute. His already owned black…