• Personal

    Belated Pumpkins

    So… the pumpkins. Though we visited the farm nice and early this year and got suckered in felt moved to support the farm once again by buying FIVE (why??) premium-priced pumpkins, we just couldn’t seem to get around to carving them til the day after Halloween. Mikey was very concerned about this turn of events. We tried to reassure him that November 1st was just as good. It would make the fun last that much longer, we reasoned. He wasn’t convinced until we told him it was now or never buddy, and suddenly he was all on board with our radical, day-after carving party.            …

  • Personal


    And then Halloween was upon us. The day is always a mad rush of events and its arrival always signals the march of the coming months packed with a mad rush of events that doesn’t let up until around January 2nd. Which is where I find myself right smack in the middle of right now. Not that I don’t love this time of year, I really do. It’s just all the little things that require doing in a short amount of time, along with special events happening for each of the kids to keep track of and prepare for, and the creating of fun childhood memories for our kids that…

  • Personal

    Our First Thanksgiving

      Throwback to our very first Thanksgiving together. We had just moved out to Minnesota after getting married that summer. We didn’t know anybody out there yet. So, I attempted to make a Thanksgiving meal for just the two of us in our teeny tiny 495 sq foot apartment. I had no idea what I was doing so most of it came from a box and/or a can. We didn’t have any dinnerware to speak of, or even really any furniture. Still, we were thankful to God for His goodness to us, for the meal, for bringing us together and for the new start to our life in a new…

  • Personal

    The Fourth

    Because someday I WILL be caught up here. Oh yes, I will. (Delusions of grandeur with a streak of sheer stubbornness. That would be me.) Here’s what the Fourth of July looked like for us:                                                                                               Hope your fourth was a great one, too.