• Personal


    Allie had mentioned that she couldn’t really see the board at school very well and needed to get up closer every time the teacher wrote something up there. She started squinting while watching the TV. She couldn’t read street signs or license plates until they were much closer. All signs pointed to it being time. Her annual well child checkup confirmed it. Our girl needed glasses. Both her dad and I got glasses in elementary school so she was merely confiming the apple/tree idiom. Luckily she’s been wanting glasses so she was beyond excited about it. Glasses and braces at the same time, poor girl. Fortunately, she’s little and cute…

  • Personal


    I am bound and determined to catch up on posts before the end of this year. I’m gonna do it. Positive thinking. Determined little train. Pumping self up. Though, maybe I’ve gotta up my game from posting twice a week to really make it happen. And… this may not be the best month to tackle extra ambition. Uuuuuuggggghhhhh.   Anyhoo. I’m going to keep plugging along. Even if it means posting the pictures from inside our house even though I struggle with shooting inside our dark house. And even though the clutter drives me nuts. And even though the story might not be particularly poignant but totally mundane instead. Because…

  • Personal

    Just Be

    One of my favorite things to do as a mom is quietly watch my kids just be who God made them to be. Each with their own interests and hobbies and way of just enjoying time to themselves.                               They all mesh together and they are each their own person. Love how that works.   “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.” -Philippians 1:3

  • Personal

    Enjoying the Quiet

    Jonah and I found ourselves alone at home one leisurely summer afternoon. I forget now where the others had all gone. It’s amazing how quiet the house gets when we go from four kids down to one. And even though I had several other things I was hoping to get done, they all quickly fell by the wayside as soon as Jonah came trotting up to me with his little smile and simple “Mommy, play?” I had to say yes. And I had to grab my camera. Because those two things are pretty much synonymous with me. If I’m gonna be made to play, I’m gonna capture the moment. Because…