• Personal

    Resolved, 2018

    And I’m back.   2017 was documented within an inch of its life on Instagram as I finally actually accomplished a 365 photo project last year. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for several years, but it felt too daunting, too time consuming, too ripe for failure. And a lot of the days, it felt like all of the above. But I am so very glad I convinced myself to do it, I am so thankful for all the memories that were captured and saved for what a crazy year it was (!), and now I am very grateful it is done and the self-imposed pressure is off. As…

  • Personal

    Like Riding a Bike

    We didn’t get to do all of the things on the kids’ summer bucket lists. That was never the goal, anyway. It was mainly to hear from the kids themselves what they were hoping to do with their time off from school just in case there was something rolling around in their heads that they never expressed out loud. The main goal of summer was to rest, do a few fun things here and there, rest, spend time together, rest, read, rest, play, rest, oh and sleep in. Did I mention rest? So happily, that main goal was met with flying colors and we all concluded that it was a…

  • Personal

    My Baby L Turns 7! Part 3

    And then, just was we were going to wrap it up and head home, Phil took a small detour and we ended up at Universal Citywalk.                                                       Happy, happy birthday my sweet Lauren! You are my heart and I can’t hardly believe you’re seven now. Seriously girl, what’s the rush? I’d be perfectly happy keeping you just exactly as you are for the next several years. You are truly a blessing from God to our family and it gives me such joy to be…