• Personal

    My Baby L Turns 7! Part 1

    We are currently three days into the new school year. I’m tired and already out of lunch ideas. Phhhhhhhht.  (That’s me, deflating like an old balloon.) The good news is the kids so far are loving their teachers and new classrooms. We are so, so thankful that God answered our prayers and gave both Mikey and Allie the teachers we were hoping for this year. Got thrown a little bit of a curveball when Lauren ended up in the K/1 combo class, but so far she is loving it and her new teacher, so overall, we have nothing but thankful hearts that this year is off to such a great…

  • Families,  Personal


    Soon after summer vacation started for the kids, Phil had mentioned that he’d be working quite a lot of hours in an upcoming five-day span and suggested that it might be a good time for me and the kids to go visit the grandparents. So rather than sit around at home counting the hours until Daddy came back, I figured we’d make the drive over. A pleasant discovery this year- the kids are a little bigger now and a little more helpful in terms of being able to pack their own clothes and gear and help load up the van. As well as being able to sit for longer stretches…

  • Personal

    To Stay Awhile

    Mikey and Allie took part in a week-long summer science camp. Lauren realized too late that she wanted to take part in it, too. Next year, we told her. Not sure what we’re going to tell Jonah next year when all three go off and leave him behind. He’s not such a big fan of that. Anyhow, the camp was located in the South Coast Botanic Garden. Fast becoming one of my favorite places to be. So when Lauren asked if we could just stay and hang out  after we had dropped off the older two, I was happy to say yes. I let them choose where to go and…

  • Personal

    Lauren Turns 6!

    Originally, I was thinking to throw a Frozen-themed birthday party for Lauren at home. But, reality set in. I was tired. Plus, we had only recently made it through the other five of our birthdays in recent weeks. Also, our backyard reno was finally in full swing and things looked terrible out there. Additionally, some work/painting was being done in the living room so hosting a party in the house was out, too. So I pitched the idea of having Lauren’s party at Color Me Mine. Turns out it was the easiest sell ever and she was ALL for it.                    …