• Personal

    Legoland! Part 2

    The next morning at the not-quite-so bright and early time of 10 am, we headed back into Legoland via our not-quite-so secret back entrance.                                                             And that’s all the pictures I took of this vacation because we went to the water park and the aquarium on this day and just didn’t want to lug the big camera around with me. So that’s all she wrote about this one. The end. (Thanks for the memories, Legoland!)

  • Personal

    Legoland! Part 1

    Ahhh, what a beautiful summer it has been. I think we got to *most* of the kids’ summer bucket list items, with one or two glaring omissions. It has been so full and so fun and so busy and yet so relaxing that I hate to see it end already. We are in our last week before school starts on Monday and I think none of us are quite ready to switch back. Yet on the other hand, having a few quiet hours to myself each week means I can welcome back the things that got omitted what with the kids requesting to be fed every couple of hours. Things…

  • Personal

    Making the Most of It, part 1

    Mikey joined Cub Scouts this year. It was something I always had an inkling he’d enjoy but the pieces never came together to make it happen. Until this year. And he loves it. One of the things he was most looking forward to was an overnight stay on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier down in San Diego. It was to be a special father-son event and Phil made sure to get the time off from work in order to be there with Mikey. Only, leaving me behind with the other three kiddos didn’t sound so fun. Especially to me. So Phil decided the whole family would go and make a…