• Personal

    Another Go

    Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging comments here and on FB. It meant more to me than I can say. You know how as a kid, all you want is to be like all the other kids? At least I did, so I never said much about what was happening at home because one part of me saw it as normal since it’s the only life I knew up til then and the other part of me had no idea what to say in case it wasn’t normal. Turns out, not that much different as an adult. Still kinda just wanna be like everyone else. There’s more…

  • Personal

    Mikey and Phil’s Most Excellent Midway Adventure

    TWO posts in one day?! Who am I?? Anyhoo… while the kids and I were trying to make the most of it back in our hotel room with movie night (Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer) and making do with room service food, Mikey and Daddy were off on their Midway adventure with the Cub Scouts. The following pics are from Phil’s camera…                                                          

  • Personal

    From the Mouths of Babes

    I got home from a women’s small group last night just after the kids got into bed (perfect timing, I’d call this), so I slipped into the boys’ room for quick goodnight hugs and kisses. Usually I’ll lay next to Jonah since he’s in the bottom bunk and we’ll snuggle and chat in the dark for just a little bit. Sadly, I do this way less often with the big brother up in the top bunk though. The thought of hauling myself up the small wooden ladder, gingerly climbing onto the mattress hoping not to break the wooden slats underneath, crawling around the maze of stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, to…

  • Personal

    The Giants

    Ah, what a wonderful month this has been. What a wonderful summer this has been. It has literally flown by and now the kids start school on Monday. Eeeek! And by “the kids”, I mean ALL OF THEM. Jonah and his need for speech therapy (a fourth child needs to be spoken directly to and needs to speak for himself rather than rely on his sibs to translate. Whodathunk?!) will be starting preschool three times a week for three and a half hours a day. You guys. This means for the first time in almost ten and a half years, I will have ALONE TIME for ten and a half…