• Personal

    The RV Trip! Part 4

    After lunch, there was a little more sightseeing to do…                                                   And then our awesome RV trip drew to a close. Praising God for a wonderful vacation full of fun family memories for all of us. Kids can’t wait to do it again and even Daddy said it was really fun and was much better than he anticipated. Yes, another definite win in my book.

  • Personal

    The RV Trip! Part 1

    Okay, so back when we were tossing around ideas for the summer, I casually mentioned possibly doing an RV trip. Not mentioning that I really, really wanted us to do it. Because I knew the lion’s share of the actual work of an RV trip would depend solely on Phil- the renting of the thing, the booking of places to stay, the driving of the thing, the hooking up of the things, the making sure generally all of the things worked without my knowing in the least how it all actually worked. Plus also the making of the fires in the fire pit so that we could do s’mores each…