• Personal

    First Day Favorites

    Before any of us were at all ready for it, the first day of school was upon us. It was a big day for Mikey as it was his first day of middle school (dun dun dun), a big day for Allie as it was her first day of her final year of elementary school, a big day for Lauren and Jonah as it was both their first day at a new elementary school, and a big day for ME as it was my first day juggling three different schools with three drop off times and four different pick up times. Yes, it was nuts. Kind of a long story,…

  • Personal

    First Day Favorites

    Augh, I’ve fallen behind again. Sometimes I wonder if maybe it’s time to quit since life only seems to keep getting busier and I keep getting bogged down with just too many things. But yet, I can’t bring myself to stop altogether because the thought that maybe some years down the road, these kids of mine won’t care that I posted these things a month or two late, but will only care that the memories have been saved here for them and they might share a good laugh over their small selves, our family as it was, and reminisce about their “good old days”. So for that someday years from…

  • Personal


    And then Halloween was upon us. The day is always a mad rush of events and its arrival always signals the march of the coming months packed with a mad rush of events that doesn’t let up until around January 2nd. Which is where I find myself right smack in the middle of right now. Not that I don’t love this time of year, I really do. It’s just all the little things that require doing in a short amount of time, along with special events happening for each of the kids to keep track of and prepare for, and the creating of fun childhood memories for our kids that…